3 EASY steps to germinate strawberry seeds in Singapore :


I) Bright morning sun room in normal SG temperature (NO air-conditioning)


How to germinate strawberry seeds in Singapore
May 2015 – Bright morning sun area is best


Cool breeze ventilated the germinating trays which were recycled from fruit packaging.


Germinating Strawberry seeds in Singapore
Feb 21 2017 – Strawberry seeds need light and warmth.


2) Don’t bury the seeds! Seeds sowed on the soil surface as shown:


How to germinate strawberry seeds in the tropics
Need light to germinate


How to germinate strawberry seeds in the tropics
Just germinated


3. Water from bottom-up rather than top-down.


How to water strawberry seeds during germination
Water is push up the soil


How to water strawberry seeds during germination
Fresh strawberries seedlings in cups to save space.


Once the seeds are buried in soil, it may not germinate or germinate at a slower pace (more than 10 days).

Watering from the bottom lets the soil takes only the amount of water it needs and the excess water is drained away through the holes we cut at the bottom.

If you have time for only top-down watering, just make sure that the seeds are not dragged into the soil. 🙂

I have germinated different varieties of strawberries with these 3 easy steps, and they work the best.




  1. Types of pots used –  Cylinder shaped versus flat surface seeds germination “pots”.


Germinating strawberries seeds in Singapore
Cylinder shaped pot had varied results with strawberry seeds germination


Cylinder or cone-shaped pot yields different results.

For example, white strawberry varieties did not germinate in this pot but red strawberries did.

Flat surface container germination work for all strawberry seeds I tried.

I can only reason that its the uneven absorption of water as the cause.

The moisture needs to be relatively even for the soil, and thus, a flat surface container works best for germination.


Self watering without mosquitoes risks




Some seeds instructions recommended a certain range of temperatures to germinate seeds.

For example, most white strawberry varieties instructed 16C – 21C  be maintained for successful germination.



Self watering pot for seeds germination


But it did not work for me.

I had a lot of difficulties germinating Heirloom Pineapple strawberry seeds with the chilled soil in my self-watering pot above.

Finally, I gave up and returned to my 3 easy steps method, and the seeds germinated …finally!

Sometimes what works for gardeners abroad may not work for us!

We just have to try our own way and don’t give up.





Harvesting ripe seeds from strawberries
Summer and Shona were harvesting mature seeds from ripe strawberries :


Well, the foreign experts’ consensus is in, extracting seeds from fresh supermarkets’ fruits is not a good idea.





Supermarkets’ strawberries are hybrids and they do not produce true to the parent plants because of their genetic make-up.

They did not start from seeds.

In laymen’s terms, this means it’s unlikely to fruit from hybrid seeds.

Read more on hybrid and other observations in our Tropical Strawberries post.


Correction  (data from 2017) 

Gardeners have managed to harvest from fresh Korean strawberries’ seedlings, harvest day from seeds was about 1 year.

The seedlings were frail, about 90% will not grow until maturity.

Our experience from USA strawberries had been all seedlings did not survive more than three months.



In spite of this, the method on how to extract the best seeds is still valid for own grown heirloom plants.

We successfully grew second-generation strawberries from our Heirloom Pineapple Strawberries plants in September 2016.



Strawberries from seeds
Strawberry seeds just germinated – Very cute!


Our fresh seeds germinate the fastest, sometimes overnight to the second day to see something sprouting.



For better germination rate, FREEZE bought strawberry seeds overnight first, before sowing.


How to germinate Strawberry seeds
Freezing strawberry seeds


I prefer directly on moist soil rather than tissues or cotton because its easier to transplant them later.

Place some seeds in bowl and ziplocked in a bag to freeze.

This prevents seeds from spilling accidentally in the freezer and moisture from seeping in.

My recommendation is to try with some seeds at the first try instead of the whole pack!

That way, if they did not germinate the first round, at least there are seeds left to try again.


Regarding freezing, I have frozen seeds in various time frames before I sowed (trials: 1 month, 2 months, 3 months, overnight, 2 nights, and NO Freezing).

Those seeds that were frozen, germination time is 5 -6 days, regardless of how long they have been frozen.

Thus, I think overnight freezing in ziplock or airtight pack is enough in Singapore conditions. 5 – 6 days is still faster than most seeds packaging predictive gauge of 2 – 4 weeks.

If the seeds are not frozen, germination time can be more than 10 days or they don’t germinate.

Leftover seeds or new seeds should be ziplocked in bags and kept in the fridge or freezer as well.

Being chilled, they last longer and would be ready for sowing the next time you felt like growing fresh strawberries at home again! 🙂


Please leave a comment if you find this content useful 🙂


New methods for faster germination and steps to growing and fruiting taught in workshops.


WORKSHOPS with systematic guidance to grow from seeds in 3 hours!




New 2018 RED Alpine seeds were tested and showed excellent germination of over 90% within 8 days.


Grow Strawberries From Seeds
2018 Red Alpine, France


Grow strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2 weeks old strawberries


Transplanting Tips at this link.

Bulk delivery to schools 🙂 – Encouraging discoveries for young keen minds!


Grow gourmet strawberries
Strawberry Seedlings





25 thoughts on “How To Germinate Strawberry Seeds”

  1. thank you for this information, I’m from the Philippines and would like to try growing strawberries for our own consumption as we are too far away from Baguion where strawberries here are grown.

    I will let you know what happen in trying your method of germinating seeds.

  2. Hello there! Very informative indeed!
    I have been trying to germinate strawberry seeds right heee in sg but to no avail. Previously tried chilling them in the fridge for 3 weeks or not chilling at all, all have failed.
    Guess i will take your cue to freeze the seeds overnight and pray for the best!
    PS: too many seeds have went to heaven haha

  3. I just want to say that I love how descriptive you are. This was incredibly informative. Thank-you so much!(:

  4. Amazing workshop! Enjoyed it very much, especially the transplanting steps and insights on how to grow strawberries. Will recommend to my friends. Money well worth it. Thank you for the seedlings, they are doing well.

    1. Easy. 1) Fill contact form so we can liaise privately. Local normal postage is 30 cents or $3.20 extra for tracking number. All correspondence where payment mode or address is shared via email thereafter.

  5. Hello! may I purchase heirloom strawberry seeds from you? or may I purchase some strawberry seedlings ? contact me 85117248! nice blog you have!

    1. Hi, 3 varieties of alpine strawberries seeds are available in our e-Shop in the blog – red, yellow or white. The red being the easiest. Re seedlings, they are mostly reserved for our workshops practical work, thus not available for sale.

  6. Learning and attending the Strawberries + Herbs + Lavender workshop yesterday has been an eyeopener for me. I had never imagined there are so much more to learn as I have been actively reading agricultural books and watching videos and had successfully planted vegetables for a year. The workshop not only taught how to grow and care for strawberries and herbs, there are also so many insights which were never found on the books and videos I have came across and made me rethink my growing habits. Though I had aimed to learn strawberries and herbs as the main most important objective, it had turned out to be the sharing of insights by Ms Victoria that I find most valuable.
    I am very grateful to learn from Ms Victoria who gladly shared her years of experience. Thank you Ms Victoria

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