Whether its soil or liquid-based, mizuna is easy to grow and quick to harvest.

It is very delicious to eat as salads or cooked.

The variety that we grew at home is called Beni Houshi, purple stem mizuna that is very popular in Japanese restaurants.

Added to salads, the purple hue of its stalk adds color and vibrancy as well as being high in anthocyanin, an antioxidant property found in blueberries.


Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI from seeds in Singapore
Purple stalk


These leaves are not bitter or wasabi sharp as the common mizuna.

The stalk tasted mildly sweet and is juicy.

It is suitable for children.

Both the leaves and stalks are edible.

Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI in containers
Leaf & Stalk are edible


Although the plants are slower in soil, they seem more robust with thicker stalk and bigger leaves than our liquid based plants of the same age.


Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI in containers
Soil vs. Liquid Base Plants


In Kratky, the stalk and leaves are thinner,


Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI in containers
Liquid Base


than soil-based plants.


Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI in containers
Thick juicy stalks


Mizuna is a cut and grows plant, similar to Kale.


Germination Notes

In a very wet medium, the seeds germinated overnight.


Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI in containers
Overnight germination


True Leaf showed within 3 days


Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI in containers
2 days old

Within a week, young seedlings have 2 cm length roots.


Grow Mizuna ミズナ, 水菜, Beni HOUSHI in containers
one week old


Without a doubt, this is an easy edible to grow for beginner gardeners.


While stock last, seeds are available for sale in SHOP!








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