There are about 135 varieties and under them, 1900 species of ice plants.

Originally discovered in the dry and barren South Africa’s mountains, they thrived better in sandy soil.

In addition to leaves, their flowers are also edible.


Beautiful plants grown by Dr. Wilson Wong, creator of Green Culture Facebook group.


Ice Plant in Singapore


We re-studied ice plants again during the Covid 19 heighten alert stay home measures in October 2021

Our first experience was in 2017 with more pitfalls than joy!


Grow ice plant from seeds in containers
2021 October 10


2021 Journey

Instead of using chill, we use light and moist environment to force adaption early.

Seeds were sowed on August 23 and they germinate 4 days later.

Germination Tip – Slightly moist instead of wet medium


Grow ice plant from seeds in containers
2021 September 3


Seedlings should be planted apart and set with leaves above moist medium.


Grow ice plant from seeds in containers
2021 Sept 3


Allow plants to adapt to morning sun and heat straight away.


Grow ice plant from seeds in containers
2021 September 28


It was observed at this stage, the leaves weaken when there’s too much heat or too close to other plants.

Thus they were removed from window side to an environment where there is more light than heat.


Grow ice plant from seeds in containers
2021 October 4



2017 First Experience

The first ice plants’ journey started on December 30, 2017, when seeds were discovered in our freezer’s cabinet.

Surprisingly the seeds germinated very fast, in fact only 19 hours, using strawberry germination method.

They germinated on January 1, 2018, and the success rate was very good, almost 100%.



How to Germinate Ice Plant
2018 January 1


Ice Plants in Singapore
2018 January 7 – 1 week old seedling


Transplanted on January 08 to sandy medium, will hope they grow well!


Ice Plants in Singapore
Customized sandy based medium


I have given up on soil medium as my seedlings tend to wilt after a day in the natural environment.

A member of our gardening group, Ms. Vivien Misaki, had better luck by refrigerating seedlings in soil and “green housed” in a ziplock bag.

Her tip was to mist it once a day and not over water them.




Cold seasoned salads


My seedlings also grew better in controlled “still” environment of an egg carton, rather than outside.

These young seedlings cannot tolerate sun, wind, or transplanting, as most died soon after.

I will likely keep them wrapped in this unlikely greenhouse (egg carton) until they are more mature.





Cold seasoned salads
Delicate seedlings!


Cold seasoned salads
5 days old seedling


Cold seasoned salads
2018 July 31


When the seedlings had 2 sets of leaves, they were removed from egg carton into individual PET bottle greenhouse.

Shield against the wind, in the heat of greenhouses, they seem to grow faster.

Without this shield, seedlings will wilt even with good roots mass.

They were placed in an area with morning sun and bright afternoon light.




Grow cold seasoned salads from seeds
PET bottle greenhouse


It is warmer in this “greenhouse” than in the natural environment.

Air is allowed through a slit at the base of the cover.


Cold seasoned salads from seeds
2018 Sept 30 


Cold seasoned salads
2018 August 25
Ice Plant Care
2018 September 14


Cold seasoned salads from seeds
2018 September 24


Cold seasoned salads from seeds
2018 Sept 28


Grow cold seasoned salads from seeds
2018 Sept 28




From our hydro plants’ observation, they seem fragile and needed support, including leaves and stem.

Both break easily upon handling.



Grow ice plants from seeds in Singapore
Leaves break from stem


Grow ice plants from seeds in Singapore
Leaf tear


To prevent damaging mature plants through handling, a suggestion was made by Mr. Kia Kuang Tan to seed directly in the permanent pot.

In addition, discourage tall plants by bringing grow lights closer.

This way, the plants will need not stretch towards light source weakening the stem.


Grow ice plants from seeds in Singapore
Stem needed support


Our ice plants were observed to droop often in the natural environment, unprotected from elements like the wind.

Thus they continued in our PET bottle  “greenhouses” to support leaves in a more upright position.


Grow cold seasoned plants from seeds
2018 October 5




Just Germinated Seedling to  2 months old – 

Young seedlings are unable to tolerate wind and direct sun. Need to be green housed or in controlled environment

Transplant early to individual permanent pot

Slow growing


Mature Plant Notes

Tolerate full Sun (observed to cause some stress on too warm days)

Try to maintain cooler roots zone for a healthier plant

Drought tolerant

Prefers dry hard-packed medium – more sand, perlite

Leaves and stem need support

Flowers are edible

Thick and succulent leaves with salt crystals

Market price in Singapore – $160 + per KG (2017)







6 thoughts on “ICE Plant”

  1. Hi Dr Wong, how is the progress on ice plant? I enjoy the vegetable while in Shanghai and brought some home to enjoy.

    1. Hi Patrick,

      I am afraid my ice plants have no progress as they wilt about 3 weeks after germination. May be better to grow these in controlled environment (humidity may be the killer for these plants). Can only go back to studying these after I am done with workshops for strawberries.

  2. Dr Wong
    Thanks for sharing the tips!
    May i asked how many seeds did you put into the sponge for Hydro? In your opinion,is it better to grow in soil or hydo?

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