2015 October 22

Our first experience with runners occurred after our plants began their fruiting journey.

We had fruits on many flowering stems but also noticed odd little joints on some other stems.

Members of our gardening groups who lived abroad and had strawberries in their gardens told us these were runners and also how to root them.



How to root strawberry runners
2015 October 25 – First Runner


Grow strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2018 May 30 – Runner


Runners, when pinned on soil, will grow new roots.

They become new plantlets and can be separated from the parent.


Propagating strawberry runners
Strawberry runners were suspended in mid air


We decided to try rooting some runners and see what happened next.

A strawberry vertical “tower” was brought down to allow runners to be pinned for rooting.


How to propagate strawberry plants
Soil depth extended for strawberry vertical pot!


Rooting strawberry runners
Pinned to soil with a curtain peg


As the weeks passed, it slowly gained strength to stand upright.


rooting strawberry runners
Runner rooted and the stem stand upright


After the strawberry runner developed more established roots, we can separate it from the parent plant by cutting the attached stem.


When to separate strawberry runner from its parent
Strawberry runner had developed roots while attached to parent plant


How to propagate strawberry runners
Strawberry runner’s roots


How to propagate strawberry plants from runners
2015 Nov 15 – Rooted Runner


The above plant died soon after separation.

In hindsight, it might have been better to root this runner without the extra burden of carrying fruits as well.

Most of these developing fruits dried up and did not grow more.


2016 – 2017 Observations

Rooting runner’s experiments continued after 2015 in spite of countless failures.


Grow Strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2016 December 28


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2017 January 11


Rooted runners were donated to other gardeners to explore. Seedlings did not survive as well.

A chance discovery – Stressed Alpine plants trigger runners

This runner was caused by a near break in a stem.

The more pronounced the stress, the bigger (more aggressive) the runner.


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2017 December 13


Experiment 2 – What happened if we do not root or remove runners?


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2017 October 08 – Runner Un-Rooted


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
A new developing runner


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
Aggressive energy


After a while, the red stems became browner and all the runners died.

The parent plant also lost energy.

To save the parent plant, these runners were cut.

Flowers did not show for another 5 months and most did not turn into fruits.


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
Aerial roots of runner


2017 October 08

The tale of two plants, grown from the same pack of seeds.

No runner plants grew fruits faster.

The other plant (with runners)  had no fruits but nonetheless, remained healthy.

After the runners were cut, it still survived in 2018, in my outdoor pot.


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
Tale of 2 Strawberries


Grow strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2017 September 5


Strawberry runner
2017 June 29 – Runner plant’s regressed flower


2018 Update 

In the pot, this plant with runner was on the lower right corner.

It was observed to be a slightly larger plant compared with the rest of the plants which remained true to their heirloom characteristics.

Its leaves were also darker green and thicker.


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
2018 February 09 – outdoor plants


Growing strawberries from seeds in Singapore
Thicker leaves


In September 2018, this plant showed flowering buds and runners (not rooted) at the same time.


Grow Strawberries Outdoor in the tropics
2018 September 13


Strawberry Plant Care in the tropics
2018 September 17


Grow strawberries outdoors in the tropics
Still running!


Strawberries Plant Care outdoor
2017 December 28 – Non Runner


Non-Runner Plant Characteristics

Thinner Lighter Green Leaves

Very red stems during the flowering stage

More fruits but smaller in size


Plants with runners

We explored how did these plants from the same pack of seeds displayed hybrid and heirloom characteristics.

Hybrid plants showed runners and regressed flowers while most others remained true to their heirloom properties.

Looking back, the reason was likely how they began their journey.

Hybrid seedlings with runners started their journey outdoor in our compost pots by accident.

They germinated when we recycled the seeds soil.

From the start of life, these seedlings suffered stress.

There were 3 days of torrential storms in the week of  May 21 2017.


Strawberries plants outdoor in the tropics
Stressed seedlings


From a very young stage, outdoor seedlings were different from those that were germinated indoor with no stress.


Grow strawberries plants in the tropics
2017 June 03 – No red stems


Comparison of indoor (red stems) and outdoor stressed seedlings.


Strawberries runners plants outdoor in the tropics
2017 June 17


As they grew, the red stems returned to our hybrid plants.

However, there were differences, such as thicker stems and larger leaves.



Strawberries runners plants outdoor in the tropics
2017 July – Less red & Thicker stems


The above seedling matured into the runner plant illustrated in this post.


Grow strawberry plants outdoor in the tropics
2017 September 05


Runner Plants Characteristics

Bigger Plant

Thick stems and leaves

Regressed flowers, 2 years to reach this stage

Bigger but few fruits (once runners are removed)

Red stems do not show until the third month


Observations on our runner’s plants, seeds grew parents – 


They don’t last even with established roots mass once cut from the parent plants

When they survived, fruiting was delayed

In colder countries, when strawberry parent plants returned in the Spring, their energy is renewed and they fruit better every season.

Their plants are able to propagate from runners.

In contrast, in the tropics, runners seem to deplete energy from parent plants even more.

Rooting Runners = Delayed fruiting or worst case, keep sending out runners

DISCLAIMER – These observations are based on my own plants (from seeds) and may not apply to every strawberry plant (types, varieties)



2018 HYDRO Plants

We learned from experience not to keep runners on plants or root them since 2016.

On our hydro plants, flowers showed within 10 days once runners were removed.



Strawberries Runners in Singapore
2018 June 19


On our plants, we discouraged runners.

Flowers showed after runners were cut on June 11, 2018.


Grow strawberries from seeds in Singapore


We rather have flowers and fruit.







2 thoughts on “Strawberry Runner”

  1. Hi,
    Have been trying with new strawberry seeds bought on-line, but so far has no success of germination. Do we need to cover with transparent cover to retain moisture or better to leave in uncover.

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