In 2015, when we started planting strawberries, we thought keeping them cool in our tropical climate was important.

As we grew and learned more about strawberries, we found it was possible to grow them in our natural environment without too much fuss once the seedlings established (4 months ++).

Thus, this discovery, the compilation of 2 years of observation and data collection resulted in new ways to grow strawberries.

Whether in soil or hydroponic, they can grow without using any cooling elements from electricity.

Zero carbon footprint means strawberries can grow at very low cost and without any fancy high tech equipment.

With enough understanding of how strawberries adapt to our climate, anything is possible.

WORKSHOPS are also available with new curriculum catering to beginners to learn how to grow strawberries in a systematic way from seeds.

From our youngest participant (2018, 11 years old) to any age, everyone is learning in a small class setting with lots of hands-on experience.


Soil Based using wind


Grow strawberries from seeds in Singapore
Bedroom Gardens


Recycled socks shield roots from light and prevent soil leaking to floors below during irrigation.

Our PET bottles had been modified to cool roots zone and constantly being improved for strawberries or other cool seasoned plants in soil.



Passion Made Possible Strawberries
2017 Aug 26 – Modified air-pots


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
In natural environment


Passion made Possible Strawberries
Vigorously fruiting when the time is right


Hydroponic strawberry plants in Juice Jars


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
2017 Aug 24

Fruiting and thriving in ordinary PET bottles.


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
How many fruits can you see on this plant? 🙂


With the hydroponic trial, it was possible for us at home to study the plant intimately.

We observe the plants from top to roots system and how the crown behaves as the plant matured.

Roots – wise, this is not possible when the plant is in soil.

We started to collect data between soil and liquid based plants.

We noted that seeds to harvest time, it was faster in hydroponic ( 4 months) versus soil-based ( 6 to 8 months).

This is the diary of my first hydroponic strawberry, grown without electricity and the convenience of technology.


This journal recorded our first low-cost hydroponic strawberries.

Its journey began on April 3, 2017.

Seeds were sowed March 27 on wet sponges.

They germinated within 7 days.

Such tiny seedlings. We were glad we sowed them individually on sponges and need not delicately transferred at this stage.




Passion Made Possible Strawberries
2017 April 3


Hydro Strawberries from seeds
2018 White young seedlings


The thrill of seeing strawberry seeds germinated was the same as when we first started in 2015.


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
2017 May 24 – See how tiny they were?


Hands literally trembled when I transplant these tiny 2 months old seedlings!

Were not sure if how we did were correct.


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
June 04 – Young seedlings in yogurt bottles!


The rate of growth in hydroponic is very fast.

We see visible spurts in growth in roots mass and height of the plant from the second month.


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
July 12 – 3 months old


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
August 02 – First flower bud spotted


Without electricity, this plant is grown in stagnant still water and yet achieved aerated characteristics.


Passion made possible strawberries
August 16 – Plant signalling flowering stage with vivid red stems


A mature plant has a developed crown and multiple splits.


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
August 17 – Flower open and new buds seen


With this method, strawberries plants were able to reach flowering stage faster than soil.

The lighter weight of such pots means we could grow more plants indoor.

In its own reservoir, growing in KRATKY method, we were able to test nutrients efficiently without too much hassle.


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
August 18 2017 – One pollinated flower (without petals) and another bloom.


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
August 20 – Fruits started its journey


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
Tiny sweet fruits for picking!


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
The color of ripe!


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
Tabletop fruit plant from seeds 🙂


Tiny fruits from a small plant but its been immensely satisfying for me.

This trial proved that without technology, homegrown (tabletop) strawberries are possible.

Growing them hydroponically made it easier to harvest fresh fruits direct from table to mouth!

Observation of after harvest stage –

The plant shared similar characteristics of soil-based plants. Leaves and fruits production starts to wane.

There were more brown than vivid red stems.



Grow strawberries in Singapore
2017 Oct 18 – Leaves begin to brown


Grow strawberries in Singapore
Fruits production slowed


Whether soil-based or hydroponic, strawberry plants displayed slowing vigor after a few months of fruit production.

The characteristics of slowing growth are the same – less vivid red stems, more brown leaves, and stunted fruits.

Similar to strawberries grown in the natural cold zone, after plants have adequate “rest”, the red stems returned and flowering starts.



GRow strawberries in Singapore
2017 Dec 24 – Renewed vigor after resting


A mature plant has a developed crown and multiple splits.

Wintering Trials – Observation of dormant stage and recovery

When winter comes, strawberry plants are buried in snow and ice.

They probably looked like this.

There are no leaves and colors on the crown.

Not all plants recovered to grow again when spring arrived.


Strawberries do not fruit in winter
Wintering effect on strawberry plants
Strawberries do not fruit in winter
Sleeping Plant


Recovery begins in the crown when color returned after a few months of “wintering”!


Strawberries do not fruit in winter
Awakening Plant


Strawberries do not fruit in winter
2018 April 27 – New Shoots


2018 Update – Aren’t they pretty?


Grow strawberries without carbon footprint
2018 January 23


Grow strawberries w zero carbon footprint
Good size strawberry –


Grow strawberries in the tropics
2018 Feb 1 – strawberries ripening


Grow strawberries in Singapore
2018 Jan 27 – Harvest Day


Grow strawberries in Singapore
2018 Feb 4 – Sweet berry taste with white flesh


The size of fruits is not dependent on the weather.

We observed that the same seeds grown in the USA, are the same size for the first year harvest.

Gradually over-wintering outdoors will improve their plants while in Singapore, they remained the same.



Grow strawberries in tropical country
Size is the same as grown in USA


Second Generation –

With fruits, another opportunity to learn, and a wild ride has begun!


Passion Made Possible Strawberries
August 20 – red seeds from our fruits


Wonder how the next generation grows?


Passion made Possible Strawberries
August 27 2017 – First sprout !


Here we go again!

The second generation has begun.

Seeds sowed on August 20, the first sign of germination was spotted on August 27 2017 (7 days)!


Grow strawberries from seeds
Oct 15 2017 – A faster growing seedling in hydroponic than soil based


Grow hydroponic strawberries in Singapore
2017 Dec 24 


Last but not least, we had observed that in addition to vivid red stems, roots also have an indicative signal for the flowering stage! 🙂

2018 Update on second-generation seedlings –


Grow strawberries w zero carbon footprint
2018 January 23 – Flowering


Seeds from our own fruits are harvested for generation studies.

From our observation, second-generation do not seem to fruit as vigorously as the parent, but the third and 4th plants grew and fruit faster.

In fact, it was flowering from the second month in our natural environment.

Perhaps we have to keep growing for truly acclimated plants, with our own seeds.


Tabletop fruits harvest

Strawberry and Creme


Tabletop fruits harvest
2018 June 18


Grow strawberries from seeds in Singapore fruits harvest
Flowering in 2nd month


2018 Hydro Vertical Gardens – built this with PET bottles!


Small Space Window Gardening
April 30 Bedroom Gardens


HEIRLOOM Strawberries in plugs (2 months old, soil or hydro) can be pre-ordered in SHOP!







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